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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Blog Post

I have a new Blog Post at the new location for the Vocal Wisdom Blog.

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Save 10% when you spend £40 on vitamins at Boots Code: VITS10

bob said...

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ensest hikaye said...

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Maya said...

Hello friends,
I am again here to tell you something new. From the name of the article may be you are wondering I am going to tell the list of qualities which are essential in a person whom we are going to marry. But no, i am not going to boar you with this. Because it all depends upon our choice . Someone wants a tall guy or someone wants a short cute baby doll. Some men likes a bold woman as their wife or may be someone likes a shy girl. It all depends upon our choice. Are you thinking i am discussing about outer looks only? Yeah , nature of a person matters more than the outer looks. Person should be honest, caring, loyal, and gentle. But when we think about marriage, only these qualities are not good enough . Job, business, hobbies, family, location, community, looks we have to consider many factors like this.
People say "love is blind". If you love someone than no matter what else it is. But to live a life, basic needs must be fulfilled . You have to take care of so many things before marrying someone. Have you watched the movie "Ghost". A pretty romantic movie . Sam Wheat and his wife Molly... remember? . Anyways friends i am telling you that yes, love matters; but there are so many other things that we have to consider in mind.

A better-half is very important in our life . When we grew old , someone should be there to spend time with. One who is there for you always without any selfishness. To hold your hand in good and bad times. All that lovely feelings. Gosh, this one remembered me my marriage time. When I got my better-half. My family members were worried that I usually lost in work and do not mix up with people easily. Then they start looking groom for me. And finally they found him on is the web portal where you can easily find your perfect match. Job, community, location, height, hobbies etc. There is detail of everything. Moreover you can see photos and videos also .
For more details please visit :)