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Michael Mayer possesses a great talent for singing and for teaching with a discerning diagnostic ear. His vocal and teaching talent is exceptional and he has a great understanding of Old World teaching. Mr. Mayer's understanding of the Swedish/Italian School has prepared him as one of the finest vocal technicians anywhere."

David L. Jones... International Vocal Pedagogue


To Michael,

I thank you dearly for sharing your wisdom and energy in our vocal lessons together. You have taught me more than how to produce good tone or how to use my voice safely. You have made me realize that voice is a natural expression of life energy, and most importantly it is an expression of human feelings. Art cannot be taught, but you have pointed the way and wisely you’ve pointed to the heart. As a result, I am in touch with the artist within me, and I sing from my heart. So thank you.

To aspiring singers,

The voice is our instrument. That is in essence what we play, and we must play it well and safely. But this instrument is also living and can get hurt, can fatigue, can be overused and misused. Like a pianist who practices daily, we need to do that and more. We have to understand the voice, connect with it, become friends with it, and take care of it.

With Michael I have explored new territories with regards to where my voice can go. And I know there is much more to come. His use of images and science to explain function is phenomenal.

As a voice teacher, he gives his unwavering attention, energy, and information during a session. He remembers where you are at vocally, what you’ve accomplished, and what you are struggling with. He not only tells you what you need to do and how to do it, but also why you need to do it. You are then inspired to sing.

Like few great teachers, he makes sure you know you did it all by yourself.

If you are overwhelmed by and tired of the infinite opinions on singing and the endless claims to good singing, this site is a step away from the beautiful and healthy voice that you’re looking for. You will enjoy the peace of mind that comes with taking vocal lessons with Michael.

Mirvat Ammouri, Aspiring musician, Beirut, Lebanon


As a music teacher myself, I can honestly say that Michael Mayer is what one would call a “master” teacher. Michael knows the vocal apparatus extremely well, and easily communicates the correct usage of the voice for singers. He hears and can diagnose problems immediately, correcting even slight nuances in the voice, online as easily as in person. Unlike most voice teachers, lessons with Michael do not consist of seemingly aimless (and unexplained) vocalizing followed by a song or two. From the first lesson, Michael teaches the singer to develop familiarity with the correct physical feelings and sound. Utilizing the Swedish-Italian method of singing, Michael assists a singer in learning to protect the voice, and it becomes clear that the vocalist will emerge with a definite technique and skill. Singing no longer is a game of chance, luck, or percentage of talent; it is a reflex. I heartily recommend Michael as a teacher and also as a very kind and generous person.

Lee Ann Erder, Private Studio Teacher, Plano, TX


Thank you to Michael for introducing both my mother and myself to the Swedish-Italian school of singing! It has made such a difference in my singing. He has shown me how there is a real method to using my voice. It is astounding to learn to feel the vocal cords working close together, and to know the difference between that and flow phonation. As a teenager involved in drama and musical theatre, Michael has made it possible for me to use my voice in healthy ways, no matter what directors are telling me to do! I’m looking forward to having a voice for life. Thank you, Michael.

Annalisa Erder, Aspiring Soprano, Plano, TX


I’ve been singing, with intentions of having a professional career, for about 14 years now. When I began, I was in college, with no real singing prior to this. Since I have a dramatic voice, it took time for it to mature. For the first 12 years, I studied with only one teacher, whom I revered as the “fount” of all vocal knowledge. I came to find out that she knew relatively little about how the voice worked. When she passed away, I was both freed and forced to seek out a new teacher, which meant that I had to study about the voice. I was delighted to find that there was a substantial amount of science to be had, and even this showed that there were some serious deficiencies in my “technique,” such as it was. Up to this point, many people enjoyed my singing, but this was due to natural abilities that were God given, rather than from acquired ability. The facts were these: after 10 years of study, I suffered from persistent vocal fatigue, and had virtually no understanding of how my voice worked. I sang with “brute force,” and I knew that, vocally speaking, I’d be dead in any operatic career. I had been on a plateau for several years, and was worried about how to proceed.

Then I met Michael Mayer, first over the phone, and then over the Internet. Michael took the time - about 3 hours as I recall (no charge, by the way), answering the questions that had built up within me for 14 years – questions that were never really answered by my former teacher. His answers made complete sense to me from what I had been reading since my teacher’s death. Still, I was terrified to trust a new mentor, and to make matters worse, I could only study with him over the Internet since we lived about 1,000 miles apart. Many well-meaning friends/mentors strenuously advised me against studying over the Internet, but I trusted my informed instincts, and decided to give Michael a try. His explanations always made sense to me, so I proceeded, though with much anxiety.

Many of his techniques/exercises would have been anathema to my former teacher, and in the beginning they grated against me constantly. I was very afraid that my voice would be damaged. After 30 days, my production was changing. In 60-90 days, I knew I was headed in the right direction. The voice now is not a mystery hidden from me, but a treasure to explore for the rest of my life. Vocal fatigue has diminished remarkably, and my range, especially “usable,” has increased dramatically. Most importantly, I am at peace while singing, and any fatigue that I feel is no longer a cause for panic, but simply an indication that I need to make some adjustments. Pieces with higher tessitura are so much easier that I frequently chuckle while singing at home.

I am astonished at what I can do now. When we first spoke, Michael tried to tell me that major progress could be made in a matter of months. I did not believe him then; needless to say, I do now. Michael is a peerless vocal technician who truly cares about his students. His skill at detecting vocal imperfections over the Internet is just shy of being in person. Let me say that in another way – I would not hesitate AT ALL to study with Michael Mayer, even if the Internet was the only way this could be done. I’ve met him in person only once, and during that time we worked on jaw positioning, breathing and posture. During the majority of vocalizing, Michael was not looking at me anyways! His logic is inarguable – most of what is happening is out of sight, so the ears are the way to detect issues anyways.

If the proof is in the pudding, then Michael is a phenomenal teacher to whom I give my wholehearted recommendation. He wants his singers to understand their voice, and in this, he succeeds. Because of my training with Michael, I now believe it is vocally possible for to me mount an attempt for a professional career. (My schedule is another matter!)

Should anyone want to correspond with me about Michael’s teaching, please contact me through him, and I’d be delighted to reassure you that, when it comes to training singers, he is the man!

Sincerely, Brian R. Blum, Tenor


Working with Michael Mayer was inspiring for both myself and my students. Michael captivated the attention of my high school men's section for the entire class period and then some... His instruction was motivating and thought provoking. My men continue to talk about his ideas and have been sharing them with the rest of the choir. He really connected with my students answering their questions about their voices. I look forward to working with Michael in the future.

Amy Butzen

Vocal Music Director
St. Louis Park High School
St. Louis Park, MN


Over a three year period, Michael Mayer, through his excellent pedagogical skills and patient work, provided me with vocal fundamentals from which I have benefited immensely. My voice is now able to do things which before I could only imagine doing. I have received comments from professional singers and musicians alike on how clear and ringing my voice has become. This technique is incredibly effective and will help anyone wanting to strengthen and perfect their vocal instrument!

Basel Sarweh, lyric baritone


I became one of Michael Mayer’s voice students in July 2004 after many years of intermittent vocal problems. Initially persistent symptoms were misdiagnosed as pathology by my family doctor. He referred me to an Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist who claimed that my vocal cords were “extremely healthy". Based on that observation I assumed that the vocal technique I had learned was correct, and I continued with it for several years. Symptoms persisted such as chronic sore throat with a painful rawness in my soft palate and pharynx. Sometimes even speaking was very uncomfortable. In November 2004, I requested a referral to another Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist. Again my vocal cords were diagnosed as “very healthy”. He thought perhaps I suffered from a type of oral syndrome and referred me to an Oral Specialist. The Oral Specialist said that I had no oral syndrome and prescribed an oral steroid spray to relieve my pain. However, after reading of the side-effects of steroids, particularly on the vocal cords, I began to search for options through other professionals and my own research. I then contacted a speech therapist who was not accepting new patients and so referred me to a very reputable Ear-Noise-Throat Specialist. Because her first available appointment was four months away, I sought out another speech therapist who gave me some pointers, but offered no explanation of the anatomy of the voice. On my long-awaited appointment, the last Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist took a few minutes to examine me and said, “Congratulations. You have the nicest vocal cords.” Because her kind remark did not address my symptoms, I asked for a referral to a voice specialist. It was through that link that I met Michael Mayer. In the first two months of lessons with Michael, I sang without any discomfort at all. In the last year, my voice has become freer and I am able to sing more than ever before. Rarely, do I experience any of my past symptoms. Michael has a gift and passion for teaching voice. He listens patiently and intuitively to an individual’s vocal strengths and weaknesses, analyzing areas for development or correction. He shares his in-depth knowledge eloquently and sincerely. Every lesson with Michael is a positive learning experience. His approach proves to be more effective than any other voice professional’s, including medical, that I’ve encountered. I would recommend his expertise to anyone at any level of vocal development.

Kathleen Donovan, Montreal, Canada


8/25/2005 - I had been singing for over twenty years, Oratorios, Cantatas, the occasional wedding, then I suddenly stopped. Reason being I had a good voice but it wasn’t getting me places. I had “Voice Teachers” but they didn’t do anything for my voice. In December 2003 I was asked to sing at an Easter program at the Bronx Baptist Church so I frantically began searching for a good voice teacher. That’s when David Jones at recommended Michael Mayer as one of the best teachers he knew. Well, today I am still singing, my technique has improved and my sound is so much richer than it ever has been: Michael taught me how to sing efficiently and effortlessly. By that I mean not straining to reach high notes and breathing effectively. Michael taught me concepts and technique based on the concepts of William Vennard. To me Michael was a vocal coach and voice teacher combined. His patience and generosity in sharing his knowledge, in my book, makes him the best vocal teacher I ever had. Unfortunately for me Michael moved back to Minnesota where I am sure he’ll have a similar impact on those wishing to improve their quality of singing.

Neville Hemmings, White Plains, New York